This section will show:
- the format
- an org-trello sample buffer
- possible use cases
- the potential errors you can encounter
There are 3 levels (cf. next section sample)
- level 1 - Card
- level 2 - Checklist
- level 3 - Item
Natural org checkboxes. Thanks to @sw1nn for showing me this org feature, this is awesome!
- [-] LISP
- [X] Emacs-Lisp
- [X] Common-Lisp
- [ ] Scheme
- [X] Clojure
- [X] ML
- [X] Haskell
- [X] Ocaml
- [X] Hybrid
- [X] Scala
- [ ] little more detail, this is level 2, so checklist in trello board
- [ ] item 3
- [ ] any entities with level superior to 4 are considered level 3
For example, once synced to trello, this looks like:
:orgtrello-id: 521dc9f3edeabee47600401e
- [-] LISP :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f48e95d74636004107"}
- [X] Emacs-Lisp :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f7487c2e9b250047a5"}
- [X] Common-Lisp :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f7ae27842a36003b26"}
- [ ] Scheme :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f834f52df935003b15"}
- [X] Clojure :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f9c1b85c905f006b4e"}
- [X] ML :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f5d49a919614000266"}
- [X] Haskell :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9fa5699f00b25003bd0"}
- [X] Ocaml :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9fb7ef4310554003ab3"}
- [X] Hybrid :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9f6238d072770007217"}
- [X] Scala :PROPERTIES: {"orgtrello-id":"521dc9fc8e95d74636004109"}
Note In org-trello buffer, the :PROPERTIES: for the checklists/items won’t be visible for the user.
Use cases
Card (org-mode heading level 0):
- Place yourself on the card-identity and hit the binding C-c o c, this will sync the card (create) in the TODO column in your trello board.
- You can edit the label and hit C-c o c again, this time, this will sync the card again (update) in trello
- Change the status from TODO to any intermediary status, then hit the binding, this will move the card to the list DOING (depending on your todo keywords list).
- Once done, move the status of the card from anything to DONE, hit the binding, this will move the card to the list DONE.
Checklist (checkbox with indentation at 2 spaces):
- Place yourself on the checklist checklist, hit the binding, this will add checklist as a checklist to your card card-identity
- Rename your checklist and hit again the binding to update its label.
Item (checkbox with indentation at 4 spaces):
- Place yourself on your item and hit the binding, this will add the item to such checklist.
- Change the label of the item and hit the binding, this will update its label.
- Change the status of the item to DONE and hit the binding, this will check such item in trello.
Card and deadline/due date
You can use org-mode’s deadline, this is mapped to trello’s due date notion during the synchronize step.
Sync entity to trello board
You can sync the entity without its arborescence to trello.
Place yourself on the entity (card or checklist or item) and hit C-c o c.
When on:
- a card, this will only sync the card
- a checklist, this will only sync the checklist
- an item, will only sync the item
Sync entity from trello board
You can sync the entity without its arborescence from trello.
Place yourself on the entity (card or checklist or item) and hit C-u C-c o c.
Creation of a full entity
You can sync the full entity and its arborescence.
Place yourself on the entity (card or checklist or item) and hit C-c o C.
When on:
- a card, this will sync the card, then the checklists then any items of each checklist.
- a checklist, this will sync the checklist then the items.
- an item, will only sync the item
Sync entity with structure from trello board
You can sync the entity and its full structure from trello board.
Place yourself on the entity (card or checklist or item) and hit C-u C-c o C.
Sync org-mode file to trello board
All entities from the org buffer will be created or updated to the trello board. Hit C-c o s.
Sync org-mode file from trello board
All entities from the org buffer will be synced with the trello board content. Hit C-u C-c o s.
This will update any entries that were already present in the org-mode file and create any entries that were not created yet.
Remove entity
The current entity and its arborescence will be removed. Hit C-c o k.
Note This will also remove the entry from the org-mode buffer.
Remove entities
Remove all entities from the trello board and the org buffer. Hit C-c o K.
Cleanup org-trello setup
Remove only org-trello data from the org-mode buffer. Hit C-c o x.
Note This will also remove header metadata file.
Jump to trello card
Jump to the card in the trello board the org buffer is connected to. Hit C-c o j.
Note This will use your default browser
Jump to trello board
Jump to the trello board the org buffer is connected to. Hit C-u C-c o j.
Note This will use your default browser
Add comments
You have the possibility to add comments to. Hit C-c o C to add a comment.
Possible errors
org-trello can display the following possible error messages:
without setting up the consumer-key and the access-token:
- Setup problem - You need to install the consumer-key and the read/write access-token - C-c o i or M-x org-trello-install-board-metadata
without setting up the org-mode buffer:
- Setup problem.
Either you did not connect your org-mode buffer with a trello board, to correct this:
- attach to a board through C-c o I or M-x org-trello-install-board-metadata
- or create a board from scratch with C-c o b or M-x org-trello-create-board-and-install-metadata). Either your org-mode’s todo keyword list and your trello board lists are not named the same way (which they must). For this, connect to trello and rename your board’s list according to your org-mode’s todo list.
- Setup problem.
Either you did not connect your org-mode buffer with a trello board, to correct this:
If the board’s list names are different from your org-mode’s keyword list:
- Setup problem.
Either you did not connect your org-mode buffer with a trello board, to correct this:
- attach to a board through C-c o I or M-x org-trello-install-board-metadata
- or create a board from scratch with C-c o b or M-x org-trello-create-board-and-install-metadata). Either your org-mode’s todo keyword list and your trello board lists are not named the same way (which they must). For this, connect to trello and rename your board’s list according to your org-mode’s todo list. Also, you can specify on your org-mode buffer the todo list you want to work with, for example: #+TODO: TODO DOING | DONE FAIL (hit C-c C-c to refresh the setup)
- Setup problem.
Either you did not connect your org-mode buffer with a trello board, to correct this:
no label on the card:
Cannot synchronize the card - missing mandatory label. Skip it…
no label on the checklist:
Cannot synchronize the checklist - missing mandatory label. Skip it…
no label on the item:
Cannot synchronize the item - missing mandatory label. Skip it…
syncing the checklist without syncing the card first:
Cannot synchronize the checklist - the card must synchronized first. Skip it…
syncing the item without syncing the checklist first:
Cannot synchronize the item - the checklist must be synchronized first. Skip it…
Automatic org-trello files in emacs
Add this inside your personal emacs setup file ~/.emacs.d/init.el. And now when naming a file with a .trello extension, opening it will have automatically org-trello activated on it.
;; org-trello major mode for all .trello files
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.trello$" . org-mode))
;; add a hook function to check if this is trello file, then activate the org-trello minor mode.
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(let ((filename (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(when (and filename (string= "trello" (file-name-extension filename)))